Pest Prophet API now available
All of our pest and disease models are now available as an API which can be integrated into a variety of platforms, apps, etc. Weather data from in-canopy sensors, or private weather stations, can be used with our pest and disease models to provide the end user with an accurate, and easy to use, pest management tool. View API documentation here or click here to learn more.
How it Works
Using weather-driven risk models and insect “growing degree day” models as part of an integrated pest management program has been proven to save growers money while maximizing pest control effectiveness.
Pest Prophet gives farmers, researchers and crop advisers the power to make intelligent, informed pest management decisions in an easy to use, convenient way.
Accurate Weather Data
Pest Prophet gathers weather data from a wide variety of sources and aggregates it statistically to ensure the most accurate data for a given location.
By geographically weighting multiple sources, it can filter out errors in sensor data and continue to provide accurate readings. There is no need to purchase expensive weather stations which often require cellular service plans, professional installation, calibration and regular servicing. Pest Prophet uses weather data you can rely on for availability and accuracy.
Powerful Pest and Disease Models
Pest Prophet uses weather data to power agriculture pest models.
Our models have been developed by leading agriculture researchers and university IPM programs. They have been tested in the field and proven to be effective in pest management.
Spray Smarter
Ensure optimal timing of all your pesticide treatments and biocontrol releases.
In many cases, integrating pest models can decrease the total amount of sprays needed; saving the grower money, and decreasing the risk of resistance development. Preventative fungicides can be applied only when environmental conditions necessitate it. Insect growing degree models can predict insect life stages and allow for more precise control options.
Easy to Use
The easiest way to integrate pest and disease models into your pest management program for your farm, garden, or home. Just create a field, select your models and see the results. We can also send daily, weekly or monthly reports to your email inbox so you can easily keep track of your fields.
Available Models
Over 420 models available! Click to learn more about each specific model. More coming soon!
Insect Pest Growing Degree Day Models
- Alder Leafminer
- Alfalfa Weevil
- American Plum Borer
- American Serpentine Leafminer
- Apple Maggot Emergence
- Arborvitae Leafminer
- Armyworm
- Artichoke Plume Moth
- Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Asian Longhorned Beetle Emergence
- Asiatic Rice Borer
- Asparagus Beetle
- Azalea Bark Scale
- Azalea Lace Bug
- Azalea Leafminer
- Azalea Whitefly
- Bagworm
- Balsam Gall Midge
- Balsam Twig Aphid
- Banded Ash Clearwing Borer
- Beech Scale
- Beet Armyworm
- Beet Leafhopper
- Bertha Armyworm
- Black Cutworm
- Black Pineleaf Scale
- Black Vine Weevil
- Blackberry Leafhopper
- Blue Alfalfa Aphid
- Birch Leafminer
- Birch Skeletonizer
- Bronze Birch Borer
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Boxwood Leafminer
- Boxwood Mite
- Boxwood Psyllid
- Cabbage Aphid
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Maggot Emergence
- Calico Scale
- Cankerworm
- Carrot Weevil
- Celery Looper
- Cereal Leaf Beetle
- Citricola Scale
- Citrus Red Mite
- Citrus Thrips
- Codling Moth
- Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
- Corn Earwom
- Corn Leaf Aphid
- Cotton Bollworm
- Cotton Leaf Worm
- Cottony Maple Leaf Scale
- Cottony Maple Scale
- Cottony Taxus Scale
- Cranberry Fruitworm
- Crucifer Flea Beetle
- Cuban Laurel Thrips
- Diamondback Moth
- Dogwood Borer
- Dogwood Sawfly
- Douglas Fir Needle Midge
- Eastern Pine Shoot Borer
- Eastern Tent Caterpillar
- Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid
- Egyptian Alfalfa Weevil
- Elm Bark Beetle
- Elm Casebearer
- Elm Leaf Aphid
- Elm Leaf Beetle
- Elm Leaf Miner
- Elongate Hemlock Scale
- Emerald Ash Borer
- English Grain Aphid
- Euonymus Scale
- European Elm Scale
- European Fruit Lecanium Scale
- European Grapevine Moth
- European Pine Sawfly
- European Pineshoot Moth
- European Red Mite
- Egyptian Cotton Worm
- Fall Webworm
- False Codling Moth
- Fenders Blue Butterfly
- Filbertworm
- Fletcher Scale
- Fruittree Leafroller
- Forest Tent Caterpillar
- Fuller Rose Beetle
- Golden Oak Scale
- Grape Berry Moth
- Greater Peach Tree Borer
- Green Peach Aphid
- Greenhouse Whitefly
- Greenstriped Mapleworm
- Gypsy Moth
- Hawthorn Lace Bug
- Hawthorn Leafminer
- Hemlock Looper
- Hemlock Rust Mite
- Hemlock Scale
- Hickory Leaf Stem Gall Aphid
- Holly Leafminer
- Honeydew Moth
- Honeylocust Plant Bug
- Honeylocust Pod Gall Midge
- Honeylocust Spider Mite
- Hop Vine Borer
- Imported Cabbageworm
- Imported Willow Leaf Beetle
- Indianmeal Moth
- Inkberry Leafminer
- Introduced Pine Sawfly
- Jack Pine Budworm
- Jack Pine Sawfly
- Japanese Beetle Emergence
- Japanese Flower Thrips
- Japanese Pine Sawyer Beetle
- Juniper Scale
- Juniper Webworm
- Kermes Oak Scale
- Lacanobia Fruitworm
- Larch Casebearer
- Larch Sawfly
- Large Aspen Tortrix
- Lesser Peach Tree Borer
- Light Brown Apple Moth
- Lilac Borer Emergence
- Lilac Leafminer
- Lilac Root Weevil
- Linden Looper
- Locust Borer
- Locust Leafminer
- Lygus Bug
- Maple Bladder Gall Mite
- Maple Trumpet Skeletonizer
- Magnolia Scale
- Meadow Spittlebug
- Mexican Bean Beetle
- Mint Flea Beetle
- Mint Root Borer
- Mimosa Webworm
- Mountain Ash Sawfly
- Nantucket Pine Tip Moth
- Navel Orangeworm
- Native Holly Leafminer
- Northern Corn Rootworm
- Northern Pine Weevil
- Oak Ambrosia Beetle
- Oak Blotch Leafminer
- Oak Leaftier
- Oak Spider Mite
- Oak Skeletonizer
- Obliquebanded Leafroller
- Obscure Scale Emergence
- Olive Scale
- Omnivorous Leafroller
- Omnivorous Leaftier
- Onion Thrips
- Orange Tortrix Moth
- Oriental Fruit Fly
- Oriental Fruit Moth
- Oystershell Scale
- Pacific Spider Mite
- Pales Weevil
- Pandemis Leafroller
- Pea Aphid
- Peachtree Borer
- Peach Twig Borer
- Pear Rust Mite
- Pear Psylla
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Pine Bark Adelgid
- Pine Chafer
- Pine Engraver
- Pine Eriophyid Mite
- Pine Needle Midge
- Pine Shoot Beetle
- Pine Needle Scale
- Pine Root Collar Weevil
- Pine Needle Miner
- Pine Spittlebug
- Pine Tube Moth
- Pine Tortoise Scale
- Pine Tree Lappet Moth
- Pine Webworm
- Pink Bollworm
- Pitch Twig Moth
- Plum Curculio
- Plum Fruit Moth
- Poplar and Willow Borer
- Potato Capsid
- Potato Leafhopper
- Potato Psyllid
- Potato Tuberworm
- Privet Rust Mite
- Privet Thrips
- Redbanded Leafroller
- Redheaded Pine Sawfly
- Rhododendron Borer
- Rhododendron Gall Midge
- Rhododendron Stem Borer
- Rose Chafer
- Roundheaded Apple Tree Borer
- Russian Wheat Aphid
- Rust Mite
- San Jose Scale Emergence
- Sassafras Weevil
- Satin Moth
- Seedcorn Maggot Emergence
- Serpentine Fruit Fly
- Silver Y Moth
- Snowball Aphid
- Sod Webworm
- Southern Red Mite
- Sparganothis Moth
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
- Spotted Wing Drosophilia
- Spruce Budworm
- Spruce Budscale
- Spruce Needleminer
- Spruce Spider Mite
- Squash Bug
- Strawberry Root Weevil
- Strawberry Spider Mite
- Striped Pine Scale
- Sugarbeet Root Maggot
- Sugar Maple Borer
- Sunflower Beetle
- Sunflower Moth
- Sunflower Stem Weevil
- Sunn Pest
- Sweetpotato Whitefly
- Taxus Bud Mite
- Taxus Mealybug
- Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper
- Tobacco Budworm
- Tobacco Cutworm
- Tomato Fruit Borer
- Tomato Fruitworm
- Tomato Leafminer
- Tomato Pinworm
- Tuliptree Aphid
- Tuliptree Scale
- Turpentine Beetle
- Tussock Moth
- Twobanded Japanese Weevil
- Twospotted Spider Mite
- Variegated Cutworm
- Vegetable Leafminer
- Vine Mealybug
- Walnut Blister Mite
- Walnut Caterpillar
- Walnut Huskfly
- Western Bean Cutworm
- Western Cherry Fruitfly
- Western Flower Thrips
- Western Grape Leafhopper
- Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer
- Western Spruce Budworm
- Western Tent Caterpillar
- White Pine Aphid
- White Pine Weevil
- White Prunicola Scale
- Willow Flea Weevil
- Willow Twig Aphid
- Winged Euonymus Scale
- Woolly Beech Aphid
- Woolly Elm Aphid
- Zimmerman Pine Moth
Plant Disease Models
Crop Growth Stages
Biological Control Growing Degree Day Models
Choose the pricing plan that best fits your needs.Basic
1 Model per field
90 days of weather history
No forecast
Daily weather updates
Weekly email reports
$9.99 / month (per field)
(billed annually)
Unlimited Models per field
365 days of weather history
14 day forecast
Hourly weather updates
Daily email reports (optional)
- Try the App NowTry the Web App now for free, available for all mobile operating systems.
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Disclaimer: All data and products are provided "as is" and users assume all risk in their use. Models and results do not constitute a recommendation and are not intended to replace in-field scouting by professionals.
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